April 3rd, Tuesday of Holy Week 11:00 AM Chrism Mass; broadcast on the CatholicTV Network (rebroadcast at 4 pm) Seán Cardinal O’Malley, OFM Cap., Celebrant Cathedral of the Holy Cross, 1400 Washington St, Boston, MA
John Hancock Financial Pledges $1 Million to the Campaign for Catholic Schools Funds to support literacy and history programs, faculty recruitment and the Freedom Trail Foundation involvement
Declare government has no place defining religion, religious ministry Seek protection for conscience rights of institutions, individuals Stress action with the public, White House, Congress, courts
Braintree, MA – Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley has announced the launch of the 2012 Catholic Appeal, The Good Samaritan Is You. The Catholic Appeal launches this weekend, March 3rd and 4th in parishes across the Archdiocese of Boston. All are encouraged to visit the Appeal’s website at www.BostonCatholicAppeal.org to learn more about the important programs and ministries supported by the Catholic Appeal and ways to give.