Very Reverend Cristiano B. Barbosa
Episcopal Vicar –Central Region
Carroll, Thomas W.
Secretary for Education
Connors, Very Reverend Robert L.
Episcopal Vicar - South Region
Donilon, Terrence
Secretary for Communications and Public Affairs
Most Reverend John Dooher
Hehir, Reverend Bryan
Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services
Hennessey, Bishop Robert
Regional Bishop, Episcopal Vicar, Merrimack Region
Joy, Rev. William P.
Assistant Vicar for Administration
Kennedy, Bishop Arthur
Auxiliary Bishop of Boston and Episcopal Vicar for the New Evangelization of the Archdiocese of Boston
Kickham, Reverend Robert
Chief Secretary to the Cardinal
Kiely, Very Reverend Brian R.
Rector and President of Pope Saint John XXIII National Seminary
Ms. Marianne Luthin
McHugh, Very Reverend Brian
Episcopal Vicar – North Region
Medeiros, Very Rev. Antonio F.
Rector, Redemptoris Mater Seminary
Mooney, Gavan
Secretary for Institution Advancement/Chief Philanthropy Officer
O'Connell, Bishop Mark
Moderator of the Curia and Vicar General
O'Connor, Francis
General Counsel
Oliver, B.H., Monsignor Robert W.
Judicial Vicar
O'Malley, OFM, Cap., Archbishop Seán P.
Archbishop of Boston
Very Rev. Bryan K. Parrish
Episcopal Vicar and Secretary for Parish Life and Leadership
Peterson, Brother James
Assistant to the Moderator of the Curia for Canonical Affairs
Reed, Bishop Robert P.
Secretary for Catholic Media
Regional Bishop and Episcopal Vicar – West Region
Salocks, Rev. Stephen E.
Rector, Saint John Seminary
Santos, FSP, Sister Germana
Delegate to Religious
Soper, Reverend Paul
Secretary for Evangelization and Discipleship
Director of Pastoral Planning
Straub, John
Ms. MC Sullivan
Chief Health Care Ethicist
Most Reverend Peter Uglietto
Last updated June 2, 2023