December 2002
(Cardinal Law's statement)
(Bishop Lennon's statement)
November 2002
Earlier today reports in the media reflected that a decision had been made to institute formal legal action against certain insurance carriers of the Archdiocese of Boston. These reports were totally inaccurate. (11/17/02)
October 2002
Statement of His Eminence, Bernard Cardinal Law on the Final Report of the Cardinal's Commission
(final report in PDF format) (10/7/02)
September 2002
August 2002
Statement of Donna M. Morrissey, Spokeswoman, Archdiocese of Boston Concerning Fr. William L. Butler
July 2002
June 2002
May 2002
Statement of Donna M. Morrissey, Spokeswoman, Archdiocese of Boston on Fr. Lyons (5/31/02)
Letter from Bishop Edyvean on Mandated Reporting (5/28/02)
Cardinal Law's letter to the Archdiocese of Boston (5/19/02)
Statement of Donna M. Morrissey regarding the Hellenic College Commencement (5/17/02)
Statement of Donna M. Morrissey regarding the Cardinal's Commission for the Protection of Children (5/17/02)
Statement of His Eminence Cardinal Law on Reverend Monsignor Peter Conley (5/14/02)
Statement of Donna M. Morrissey, Spokeswoman, Archdiocese of Boston (5/8/02)
Statement of David W. Smith, Chancellor, Archdiocese of Boston (5/3/02)
April 2002
Statement of Father L. Capone, Pastor of St. Michael Parish, Lowell, MA (4/30/02)
Statement of Donna M. Morrissey, Spokeswoman, Archdiocese of Boston (4/26/02)
Letter to Priests from the Cardinal (4/12/02)
March 2002
January 2002
Statement of Donna M. Morrissey, Spokeswoman, Archdiocese of Boston (1/30/02)
on reporting to the appropriate law enforcement authorities within the Commonwealth the names of priests against whom there have been allegations involving the sexual abuse of children dating back over the past forty years.
Letter from the Cardinal (1/26/02)
Statement of Donna M. Morrissey, Spokeswoman for the Archdiocese of Boston (1/15/02)
concerning charges made against Reverend Kelvin E. Iguabita
Cardinal Law's Statement On the Issue Of Sexual Abuse Of Minors By Clergy (1/10/02)